Ultra Fit System
The “ULTRA FIT” has been field tested and has provided exceptional and satisfying results to users nationwide. With the key benefit of leaving no gage line gap, it also allows the user to use these holders immediately with no aftermarket alterations or machining to their machine spindle.
The ULTRA FIT system will adapt by auto adjusting to your existing CAT spindle if it is within manufacturer’s tolerances of ± 0.015” (.125” spindle gap variation already compensated in tool holder). As a result, leaving no gage line gap between the spindle and holder and making your cutting tool extremely rigid. Plus, no additional assembly or machining is needed on the spindle which is required with other dual contact holders in the market.
● Dual Contact On Spindle Taper & Face
● Up To 25% Feed Rate Increases or More
● Increase Rigidity & Stability

Automatically Adjusts 1/8” Spindle Gap Distance Between Spindle Face & Tool Holder
Gage Line
Before Auto Adjust
After Auto Adjust

Ultra Fit Holder
Cutter Head
● Decrease Vibration & Chattering
● Increase Tooling Life & Accuracy
● Auto Adjusting (No Assembly or Machining Required On Spindle)
This system is extremely rigid when fully seated in the machine and has 100% full contact with the machine spindle and face. All axial and
lateral forces are transmitted from the tool to the spindle minimizing cutting vibration and extending cutting tool life. The primary forces
are transmitted from surface A and surface B which is perpendicular to surface A. The ULTRA FIT system eliminates chatter of
cutting tools when using long reach tooling or from heavy roughing applications.

Standard Holder
Ultra Fit Holder
Auto Adjust To Spindle Gage Line Gap

Solid Dual Contact
100% Contact With Spindle Taper, & Face

No additional assembly or machining is needed on the spindle which is required with other dual contact holders in the market.